Life’s Heartbeat Throughout the Year

ShopVille is one of Switzerland’s largest shopping centers in terms of sales. CP9 brings life into this busy habitat beneath Zurich’s Railway Plaza. The company digitally networks the more than 190 stores, the leasing agencies and the business office. CP9 bets on the cooperation and joint presentations to attract more than 460,000 pedestrians who pass through every day.

A Healthy Database

The management of more than 190 leased stores and their data mandates keeping an overview and taking an assertive approach. A user-friendly digital solution allows everyone involved to update their entries independently. The practical tool provides information and control, analysis and updates – all at the same time.

Regular Impulses

Vibrant streams of pedestrians move through the ShopVille shopping centers. With its creative ideas, CP9 prompts them to stop frequently and thus brings life to the venue. Spectacular drawings attract people to the stores. Adventure worlds with onsite attractions remind shoppers that there always is a lot to see in the passageways and on the plazas behind the Main Station.

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Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist eksv_07_sommeraktion-1024x724.jpg

Lots of Interaction Throughout the Year

The annual ShopVille campaign shows the protagonists of shopping adventures. First, the campaign reached out to customers, then to the store employees. Be happy and make happy. Beaming faces on both sides of the retail counters underscore it. And CP9 creates authentic records, without photoshopping or rose-colored glasses. Truly congenial.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist eksv_08_sommeraktion-1024x724.jpg
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist eksv_09_verteilaktion-1024x724.jpg
Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist eksv_10_inside-1-1024x724.jpg